Sunday 6 January 2008

The internet as a tool to change your life.

Mostly our piece is a part of how you can be anyone when you are on the web. Either with an avatar or with your own lies, you can be whoever you want. A teacher can be a model, a dad can be a child. This is a great problem aswell as a great relief. There was an program on BBC One the other night about how myspace and facebook are being used by pedophiles to gain access to young children which they would not be able to access previously. The police posed as a 14year old girl online in order to attract these people who aim to harm children through the web. this is severely worrying, in a world that has no limits, eg, the web, how can we keep ourselves protected.

There was also a man on the radio the other day talking about how safe you actually were online, with giving out numbers or email addresses and subtly giving out your location.

In my research into my project, i joined up with both Second Life and IMVU and instantly gained attraction from men alot older than me who commented that my avatar was 'cute' and that i was a 'nice age' having alot of 'style.' An avatar isnt real, a computerised person cannot be real. Unless this computer generated person is an extension of the person who created it themselves. If i felt uncomfortable, then how must young children feel? I only continued talkin to this man for reasons of my project, and am thinking i want to make my project more about the risks of the internet, the risks of what men look for on the internet, be it real, or not....... MAYBE...bit late to be changing my

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